
Tuesday 14 July 2020

Numenera Case Set Discovery and Destiny

There are not a lot of RPG's that I've encountered lately that innovate from what is the normal D20 style of play, that I've connected with.
However, Numenera has to be my favorite NEWER game (and as you might tell I have a lot of RPG's in my collection).

The 2 book set is detailed on my other Channel on Youtube if you care to watch it. You can sub if you want but its a channel that I do music on mostly or talk about computer games and stuff.

I did this video when I first received it by mail. I got it for a reasonable price, a lot less than getting it directly from MCG. My first encounter with the system was through Humble bundle, there they had bundled all the existing Numenera PDF's together for a really affordable price. I was impressed how the mechanics worked, and the idea of the players rolling their own fate in combat without the GM rolling dice, blew my mind.

My first group made their characters and played during the first session, we didn't even do a session "0" because we made the character easily, and it was practical in the way it linked the players together.
I added a Mad Max style feel, with their village settlement being besieged by marauders of unknown origin, their army mounting to take the town by all means necessary. The village elder had the small group of 3 venture out, sneaking past the marauders vehicles and encampments to find out if the town to the South of them were also in peril. If not, get them to send reinforcements if they could. They manage to flee the scene, and traveled to the Town, along the way encountering some strange hound-like beasts and managed to fend off their advances.

Arriving eventually to a town that had been built around some strange ruins, they find out the people here had the same troubles, however they had been paying off the marauders to leave them alone (a mad max version of Negan/Walking Dead situation).

The one session was 3 hours and a lot of adventure was had in that time, normally the first session would only be character creation, THIS was impressive and easy to run.
What was even better, was I had the Card Decks, which the players found as an interesting mechanic, I loved pulling from the decks and running the results from the seat of my pants... it was liberating and a fun sort of challenge for myself.

The Cypher system became my next purchase along with TheStrange.
TheStrange was also featured on Humble recently, and I picked it up without hesitation.

Yeah, I know Monte Cook Games is one that virtue signals, but the system is complete genius, we all have our quirks and faults, it's unfair to judge a product via politics, but MCG has always been inventive, and I loved Planescape Torment. We all could judge but whats the point.

All I cared is that the system made for a great role-playing session, one that I'm wanting to do again, just waiting for the Covid scare to be over with so we can play again.

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