
Sunday 12 September 2021

Wow, getting there!

 I do have other Youtube channels, actually one is monetized but involved music, creating it and recording it. However YT sucks at identifying a musicians own content as his/her own. In fact its a battle with copyright strikes and BS.

My channel for Miniatures and Gaming is still a small one, I need 100 subscribers to get that channel URL.

As of Today I stand at 55 subs, which is awesome!!! Yeah its small but I'm happy that at least some people listen to my content and advice.

I can tell you with all confidence, when my channel gets large enough for monetization, I will refuse to do it. In fact I would implore my audience to use Opera as a browser and ad-block my channel. I know YT will end up putting ads despite my refusal.

If anything, I may accept sponsors, but my channel is my hobby and not my job. As I face my coming retirement years, I will end up being more and more involved with my channel. Currently I hold a managers position in retail, and Salaried full-time takes the majority of my routine. My free time is shared with grand-kids, my wife and my hobby.

Making Youtube videos can take a lot of time and effort. especially editing and mixing... and recently animations and effects. I'm trying my best to make interesting content  and refine my style.

I hope to soon start arranging discord video roleplaying sessions. I'm working on presenting a live table with miniatures and players joining by chat/video.

Games I would LOVE to arrange is, Numenera, TheStrange, TRAVELLER, and perhaps others.

Please feel free to join my Youtube channel, check it out and if you like it, Subscribe.

>>>>Visit me here!<<<<

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