
Monday 22 February 2021


 Now, I'm not one to put anyone on a high pedestal just because of the color of their skin, or sexual orientation. I have played and will forever play with ANYONE that is good at playing role-playing games. I'll even play with those who are not-so-good at the craft in order to further their skills if they are willing to learn and participate in earnest. I don't look at role-playing gaming as some tool to wank-out on, it's there to enjoy as a group as we create a tale and endure it's hardships. If you want to jack-off, watch some porn.

Even with the smatterings of preachiness outside of their products, Monte Cook is one ass-kicker of a company. If you have never played using the Cypher System (Numenera) you have possibly missed a massively awesome take on the mechanics in role-playing games, as of recent decades.

Cypher System takes a lot of calculus-crunch out of the game so it's really easy to learn and play through. It's complexities lie within the way you build your character, and they are built to be quite varied in specs as well as interlaced with hooks into your fellow Player Characters to the right and left of you.

Yes, you will have some kind of relevance to your comrades in some way, even in some of your abilities. In some cases, these PC relations will help each other become mechanically stronger when you work together as a team.

The next relevant aspect of this system, is that the Game Master does not roll dice. Unless you are playing without Intrusion Cards, then the GM will roll on random tables from time to time.
As I'm usually a GM, I find this system freeing, I'm no longer bound to the adversaries that the players face, I actually suggest ways to overcome difficulties, and my mind is free to explore where the game goes next as I'm no longer preoccupied with tending the game with die rolling.

Do NOT pass on Numenera, The Strange, or any of the Cypher System RPG's. If someone offers you a place at the table, TAKE IT. 
I took a chance on it, due to Monte's previous offerings in the past. Planescape Torment is still one of my favorites. The Art in MCG products is of the highest quality as well. 

Despite of what you think of Monte Cook, the guy is a pure genius in RPG design.


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